Will they listen to him?

In Aruna Roy’s memoir -The Personal is Political- exemplifies a political voice that acknowledges the voices of ordinary people is manifested.
The Personal is Political is a memoir that highlights the importance of listening to the voices of the people in order to create sustainable change.
Kilifi is a County in Coastal Kenya that endures many struggles including high poverty levels, poor infrastructure, hunger, land and other tenures management, questionable devolution governance, youth unemployment among others.
To keep alive the discourse around politics of suffering in Kilifi County, one man is at the rooftop shouting. His is the lonely voice.
What Hon. Thaura Mweni is telling this Kilifi County Administration is that politics or any political ideology or leadership should focus on uplifting ideals, so he argues, minimizing population’s suffering.
Thaura in other words is saying: this Kilifi devolution came to change our people who were struggling to survive. Devolution came to improve Kilifi people’s lives not to suppress them with bad governance.
If bad leadership is the greatest tragedy of human life in Kilifi then it’s time to give Kilifi people a shot. Thaura is doing exactly that.
In the bustling heart of a small coastal village of Mwariandinda in Sokoke Ward in Kilifi County where peasant farming is a lifeblood, a young Thaura now is shouting, making a good noise, as an unlikely leader, challenging the traditional or devolution leadership system of Kilifi County.
Unlike most of his colleagues, who relies solely on being on the right side of the system, Thaura is sliding and siding with the suppressed masses to ensure the livelihood of his Sokoke people and Kilifi at large.
Good leaders should care about their followers and lead with the best interests of their citizens in mind as a result. Thaura is exactly doing that.
And I think it is time to look within our own circles to find examples of new alternative voices. Is Thaura Mweni not one them? Chaduchi News is asking. Let’s find more of them as we approach 2027- another defining moment for the Kilifi electorate.