By Charles Chigiri Dunga
First Published on February 18, 2025

Mr. Speaker Sir, Losing a parent is never easy.
Nothing prepared you for that loss.
There was no roadmap for this bereavement.
It just happened. Pole Sana!
Losing Mzee Kingi Mwaruwa is incredibly profound and painful experience – deep sense of loss, emptiness, and a feeling of being unmoored.
As a family Patriarch, Mzee Mwaruwa represented a pillar of stability and guidance in your life.
His loss has left a significant void. Pole Sana!
The scurs with emotions ranging from sadness and even disbelief can be overwhelming!
Any loss can be hard, but losing a parent can be extra difficult. The death of a father can be dense.
It happened to me in 2011. The hole in our lives hollowed us out and left us many days after.
The loss of this fundamental person caused a fundamental shift in my life.
I was terrified of the meltdown that always felt so close.

Before his death, death was meaningless and sometimes mysterious to me…but his provided a new meaning, solved a long time puzzle-a meaning that served me to cope, to grow, and to let go!
My dad’s death brought me the golden realization: that it’s time to upgrade myself, make myself better, and maybe implement some of his best values into my value system!
I came to terms with the fact that death is dark and sad!
But it can be the storm that can do either things: rock your boat and make you drown, or be the light that guides you back to your purpose. Be strong Sir!
As you take the time to make sense of your emotions and journey through the grieving process, Mr. Speaker, let the words of this article comfort you and your family.
No words can truly change the fact that you’re missing your dad, Mr. Speaker, may this message from Chaduchinews help you find solace and strength.

Grief is like an ocean; it comes on waves ebbing and flowing. Sometimes the water is calm, and sometimes it is overwhelming. Mr. Speaker Sir, all you can do now is to swim! Swim!
Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal. Mr. Speaker Sir, May this pain pass, but the beauty remains. Let the heart of your father remain to be the masterpiece of your nature.
The loss of your father will always sting. But Mr. Speaker please, in everything you do, ensure you honor him and celebrates his life.
Grief can be a burden. Grief can also be an anchor. Kindly Sir, get used to the weight. It will hold you in place.
Mr. Speaker, Tears shed for another person are not a sign of weakness. They are a sign of a pure heart!
At the end of the day (or life), we are all going to be floating in a pool of our memories, so make memories Sir!

From Chaduchinews to you Speaker of the Senate Rt. Hon. Amason Jefwa Kingi and family.
Receive our Heartfelt Condolences.
Let the good soul of the late Kingi Mwaruwa Rest In Eternal Peace!