“Always choose to buy from them. They don’t sell to get rich.
They sell to survive.
Blessed day everyone” Reads Nadia’s post online.
A story is told as published by the Bible Truths Publications: Faithful Words for the Old and Young- Volume 14. It reads in part as follows:
“”THE hot August sun was shining in a cloudless sky as I leisurely strolled along a beautiful country lane. As I walked slowly on, an almost impressive stillness reigned, when presently it was broken in upon by the sound of a woman’s voice singing the well-known words—
“I will believe, I do believe,
That Jesus died for me;
That on the cross He shed His blood,
From sin to set me free.”

A few steps further on brought me in sight of the singer. She was resting in the shade of a tree. There was a certain touch of gentility about her; yet she was unmistakably one of the poorest of wandering hawkers. A glance showed that hardships had aged her prematurely. As I advanced, she hastily rose, and, thinking she was about to beg, I offered her alms. But with a polite “No, thank you, ma’am, I have enough for to-day, and I may not want for to-morrow,” she looked into my face and said.””

Nadia’s appeal has brought lived experiences of struggles against socio-economic odds; the woman’s fight to live from hand to mouth, day by day or sometimes hour by hour.
Yet the stories in this category aren’t about resignation of fate. The womenn captured in these pictures represent millions of stories worldwide captured in resilience; a woman who refuses to give up; they remain stoic.

Nadia is reminding you and me to stop or pause then look and relate that woman hawker you meet every day or once in a while. These are lives spread across the selling and buying world. Yet they represent the majority poor.
These stories reveal lives trapped in an unending social economic inequality. Sad.
They are women who have opted to fend for themselves and in many cases, their children.
When you buy from from them, they will try their hands at whatever would pay rent, school fees or buy food.