By Eng. Alphonce Dzombo Mbaru

Coast has lost 2 political parties to Western Federal Party of Kenya (then under Dr Chibule/Peter shee) Umoja Summit(Under Matano Chengo and Ms Naomi Cidi) The building blocks of the 2027 Gov shall be REGIONAL PARTIES-that shall come together through Coalitions post elections..what is Coast left with
1.Form a brand new Political party and have the other Coast based National parties come in for a regional Coalition
2.Go back to the struggling coast based political parties and ORGANISE THEM..
3.Kadu Asili has traditionally had a leaning towards Kilifi
4.Shirikisho Party of Kenya ..has had a leaning towards Kwale
5.Republican Congress (Under Balala)..has always had a leaning towards Mombasa-this is the Party that Made Balala a CS(at some point the only one in the region) for 10 years under the Jubilee Gov
6.Chama cha Uzalendo(lost with Gov Wavinya Ndeti but formerly under Maur Bwanamwaka from Tana River)
7.PAA(Under Amason Kingi)-had a good trial in 2022 that posted 3 MPs(all Coastal-Ganze-Rabai and Kinango)-a synergy that can be revisited and repositioned
This is the realpolitiques that we must play as a region-else we shall be forder for other regional parties positioned as National parties
UDA-rift Valley
FordKenya/DAP-K Western et al
We must play hard ball politics Politics ANCHORED on the COAST AGENDA-the issues that unite us as a region…we must resolve the pseudo divides that reduce our Political CAPITAL and come together
1.Kwale/Mombasa/Kilifi under the Majority Mijikenda must have their Politicam game defined,structured and ORGANISED to take over all MATERIAL POLITICAL POWER in their core leadership
2.Taita Taveta-the Taveta/Taita/ et al must be organised and made to feel.that they belong to the Coast and that their political future is much assured and protected I’d they identify with the Politics of the bigger Coast-and made to join the bigger Coast Political Movement..Wiper had always messed their political Capital-this capital can be regained if they identify more with their Lower Coast brothers and sisters
3.Tana River has had a lukewarm relationship with The Kilifi/Kwale/Mombasa political triad-they have always felt left out-this must not be the dividing point-they have more to gain than loose by identifying with the bigger Coast agenda.
4.Lamu has always been the lone ranger since Devolution-their dislike for ODM laden politics is legendary-they have always been leaning towards Jubilee/ANC-Uhuru and Mudvandi-this can be changed if we have a political vehicle that would make them feel more at home in the chosen Coast based Party than otherwise.
Fighting together-Coast must understand the current politics and of politicians who are just out for raw power at any Cost-we must slay the deceptive politics of ODM(the way we dealt with Kanu )-Coast must ORGANISE
We are not less National nor patriotic-this is because the Centre has always taken advantage of our Politics and taken advantage of us-no more.
So-far the Political plates turn and turn-it must not change the focus on the ball-that COAST MUST ORGANISE AS ONE to arrive at the centre of National Power -and this is only assured through a STRONG NATIONAL COAST BASED PARTY that shall build the Kenyan Nation State POST ELECTION together with other Regional parties come Septmber 2027.
Coast has had enough experiences of betrayal to be lied to AGAIN-NOT ANY MORE-the current GRUDGE politics of would be betrayed Azimio/Wiper and other Party political against the Current Presidency are not the answer to the COAST POLITICAL QUESTION & AGENDA-COAST MUST ORGANISE AND COME OUT ON ITS OWN FEET to arrive at the NATION!!
Eng Dzombo Mbaru
10th Feb 2025