Kilifi Kenya, February 23, 2025, 8.00Hours EAT.
By Chaduchinews Press Team

Mbeyu’s remarks are not just dangerous. They are such a foolish and backward remarks especially coming from a leader who is elected to represent all the people of Kilifi County.
Basically what Mbeyu is saying is that once elected as a leader, your priority in terms of development should be your village at the expense of the other areas that you represent.
What happens to those villages that will never produce a political leader?Kingi doesn’t come from Malindi town but he tarmacked roads in Malindi town, he doesn’t come from kilifi town, but he tarmacked roads in Kilifi town, he doesn’t come from Mtwapa town, but he tarmacked roads in Mtwapa town, he doesn’t come from Mariakani town but he tarmacked roads there. He did this because he knew he’s a leader for the entire Kilifi county not just a leader for his village.
Had Kingi set aside 3.5B to tarmac the 38km road from Adu to Kamale, Mbeyu would have been the first person to accuse him for favoritism and bias. Just like many other rural roads in Kilifi County,
Kingi made sure that the Adu-Kamale road is not forgotten and that it is well graded and gravelled and serving the people of Adu well. Kingi was instrumental in the lobbying and tarmacking of the Sabaki- Marafa- Baricho Road in Magarini sub-county which has currently reached sosoni. If Kingi was selfish and had a foolish mind like Mbeyu,
Kingi would have instead lobbied and pushed for the tarmacking of Adu road which goes to his village. Instead, together with other leaders, he lobbied for the tarmacking of the Sabaki – marafa- Baricho road. Kingi knew that the Sabaki-marafa- Baricho doesn’t go to his village in Kamale. However Kingi knew that in terms of priority, the Sabaki- Baricho road was more of a priority because of the water works in Baricho that serve both Kilifi and Mombasa counties.
As a leader you should be driven by the desire to serve everyone not just your village. Apart from the road, all development projects in Kamale village are courtesy of Kingi and his young brother Michael namely Kamale pry school, secondary school, water, electricity, hospital, adjudication scheme etc. Suprisingly,
Mbeyu spoke twice during the funeral service at Kamale but at no time did she address herself to any specific problem affecting the people of Kamale when the President arrived. Why? Because according to Mbeyu, since she doesn’t come from Kamale village, the people of Kamale should not look up to her for any solution.
This is the kind of leadership that has brought about marginalization in terms of development. Leaders should not be narrow minded like Mbeyu so that once elected they prioritize and push all development resources to their villages and forget the rest of the people who elected them.
Imagine if all our MCA’s would use the Ward Development Fund just to develop their village and forget the other areas of their Wards, imagine if our MPs were to use CDF to develop only their villages and forget the rest of their constituency, Imagine if the Governor is to use the equitable share of kilifi County just to develop his village at the expense of the rest of the county. This would be bring about marginalization and favoritism.
This is extremely dangerous and as people of kilifi, we strongly condemn this kind of leadership being advocated for by Gertrude Mbeyu. Shame on you Gertrude Mbeyu. You don’t deserve to be a leader of our great county.